Facility Manager Acronyms: From a Medical Gas Company’s Perspective (A-L)

Posted by Jason Di Marco on February 25, 2016
Jason Di Marco


Note: This article covers acronyms from A-L. To find definitions for acronyms M-Z, refer to the Facility Manager Acronyms: From a Medical Gas Company’s Perspective (M-Z).

Ever scroll through an interesting article and had to google an acronym because:

  1. You have never heard of it before, or...
  2. You have heard of it (and possibly use it) but didn’t know its meaning or definition.

We've all been there before, wondering, “What does that acronym mean?”

To help you, we have created a list of Facility Manager Acronyms from a medical gas company's perspective.

Acronyms are a word-formation process that simplifies communication and saves time by creating a new term from a phrase's initial letters or syllables.

While this makes communication easier for those familiar with the acronyms, it creates a communication barrier for everyone else. Googling an acronym may just lead to more confusion, as the same acronym can mean different things across different subjects.

This list will help to keep you in the know. 

List of Common Facility Acronyms and Their Perspective Meaning (A-L)

AAP - Area Alarm Panel

The control panel that monitors the operating pressures in the pipeline distribution system for specific areas of your healthcare facility. The AAP uses audio and visual alarm indicators to monitor and display the status of your medical gas systems. 

ACA - Affordable Care Act

A federal law passed in the United States in 2010 aimed to expand access to health insurance coverage, reduce healthcare costs, and improve the quality of healthcare services. It is also known as Obamacare.

AHJ - Authority Having Jurisdiction

In short, this is who has the final say. The APJ refers to the organization or agency that has legal responsibility and authority to enforce codes, regulations, and standards related to safety and compliance. 

For example, the APJ for a hospital might include the state fire marshal, building official, fire department fire prevention officer, state health care licensing agency, the Joint Commission, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services – Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and the facility's insurance carrier.

AII - Airborne Infectious Isolation

A type of isolation used to prevent the spread of airborne infectious diseases. The AII protocol involves utilizing negative pressure isolation rooms. It is commonly used for patients with airborne infections. For example, a patient with active tuberculosis will be placed in a negatively pressurized room because the tuberculosis bacterium is spread in the air from one person to another.

ANSI - American National Standards Institution

A private, non-profit organization that oversees the development of national consensus standards in the US. Standardization helps to maximize compatibility, interoperability, safety, repeatability, or quality.

ASHE - American Society for Healthcare Engineering

A professional organization that represents engineers, architects, facility managers, and other professionals working in the healthcare industry in the United States. The ASHE works on advancing the field of healthcare management and engineering by providing educational materials and networking events. 

ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers

A professional organization of mechanical engineers and other professionals that develops codes and standards covering technical areas. ASME focuses on research, sustainability, education, and issues related to engineering communities.

ASHRAE - American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers

ASHRAE’s goal is to build "systems, energy efficiency, indoor air quality, refrigeration, and sustainability within the industry." ASHRAE is recognized as a leading authority in the field of HVAC and Refrigeration. Its standards and guidelines are widely used by engineers, architects, and other professionals in industry, government, and academia to ensure the safety, comfort, and efficiency of buildings and other facilities.

ASSE - American Society of Sanitary Engineers

ASSE is recognized as a leading authority in the field of plumbing and sanitation. Their main goal is to constantly improve the safety of plumbing systems. Their motto is "PREVENTION RATHER THAN CURE."

BAS - Building Automation System

BAS is a computer-based system that integrates all your facility's systems, including the HVAC, fire, and life safety systems. Ongoing integration and the synergies between the systems allow for managers to make informed decisions about the uses of their systems. BAS is a tool for improving building sustainability, reducing operating costs, and enhancing occupant comfort and productivity. Often referred to as BMS (Building Management System).

BIM - Building Information Modeling

Helps streamline the plan and design process of a building. BIM uses a 3D-based model to provide architects, engineers, and construction professionals with the insight and tools they need to plan and manage their buildings.

BCA - Building Commissioning Association

A professional organization that represents building commissioning professionals. The BCA creates and supports commissioning standards. The association develops programs and certifications to help accelerate best practices in the industry. The BCA slogan is "BUILD. CONNECT. ACHIEVE."

BMS - Building Management System

Computer-based systems that control and manage the mechanical, HVAC, electrical, and plumbing systems of your building. Also referred to as BAS (Building Automation System).

CDC - Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

The leading national public health institute in the United States. The CDC's mission is to protect public health and safety through the control and prevention of disease, injury, and disability.

CEU - Continuing Education Credit

Used to quantify and recognize participation in continuing education and professional development activities. They are often required for maintaining professional licenses and certifications and can also be used to demonstrate a commitment to ongoing learning and professional development.

CESW - Certified Electrical Safety Worker

This is a credential for citing an electrician's advanced knowledge of electrical safety. CESW certification is particularly important for workers who are involved in electrical installations, repairs, and maintenance, as these activities can be hazardous if proper safety precautions are not taken. By obtaining CESW certification, electrical workers can demonstrate their commitment to safety and their ability to perform their jobs safely and effectively.

CGA - Compressed Gas Association

"CGA develops and promotes safety standards and safe practices in the industrial gas industry." They represent all facets of the industry; manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, and transporters of gases, cryogenic liquids, and related products.

CHC - Certified Healthcare Constructor

A CHC has knowledge and experience in planning, designing, and constructing processes for healthcare facilities. Certified Healthcare Constructors are actively aware of fundamentals and safety. The CHC certification requires renewal through continued personal and professional growth in healthcare construction.

CMS - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

CMS is an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services. The CMS aspires to bring great health services at lower costs to millions of people. They are responsible for administering the Medicare and Medicaid programs. The CMS is responsible for a wide range of activities related to the administration of these programs, including setting payment rates for healthcare providers, enforcing fraud and abuse laws, and ensuring that healthcare facilities meet certain quality standards.

CMMS - Computerized Maintenance Management System

 CMMS is software that can be utilized to schedule and record maintenance associated with your facility's equipment in order to maintain the ongoing workflow of your facility. It is a useful tool for recording day-to-day operations and is essential for recording work requirements for your healthcare facility.

EOC - Environment of Care

Used in the healthcare industry to refer to the physical environment in which patient care is provided. The EOC is essential to healthcare delivery, as it can significantly impact patient outcomes and staff morale. Several areas included under the EOC are: fire safety, utility systems, medical equipment, emergency management, hazardous materials, security, and safety.

FASHE - Fellow of the American Society of Hospital Engineers

A prestigious accomplishment and recognition of hospital facilitators leading efficient initiatives in healthcare. The FASHE is awarded by the American Society for Healthcare Engineering (ASHE).

FGI - Facilities Guidelines Institute

FGI is an organization responsible for developing guidelines for the design and construction of healthcare facilities. The latest guideline edition at FGI.

FSES - Fire Safety Evaluation System

A tool used by healthcare facilities to evaluate compliance to fire safety regulations and standards. Provides values in the National Fire Protection Association. For example, fire sprinklers have an extensive impact on fire safety and are therefore allotted a high value in the FSES.

FTE - Full-Time Equivalent

A unit of measurement used to determine the number of full-time hours worked by all employees within an organization.

For example, an employee working 40 hours a week has an FTE of 1. For comparison, an employee working 20 hours a week has an FTE of 0.5.

FTE allows organizations to standardize their headcount reporting and budgeting processes.

HEPA - High Efficiency Particulate Air

A type of air filter that traps harmful pollutants ranging from pollen, mold spores, dust mites, and tobacco smoke. It helps remove most airborne particles. HEPA filters are commonly used in air purification systems.

HFC - Health Facility Commissioning

A handbook/guidelines (HFCx Guidelines) to optimize your facility's performance. It is a roadmap to achieve your hospital's goals. HFC involves testing, verification, and documentation and is intended to ensure that all building systems and equipment are fully operational.

HVAC - Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning

Represents the three main functions used to control air temperature, humidity, fresh air intake, and air quality. You may see HVAC&R; adding “R” refers to refrigeration. 

IC - Infection Control

A set of practices and procedures used to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Proper hand hygiene, using personal protective equipment, and patient isolation are all forms of IC.

ICRA - Infection Control Risk Assessment

A source of precautions for construction and renovation.

An ICRA is "multidisciplinary, organizational, documented process that after considering the facility’s patient population and program:

  • Focuses on reduction of risk from infection,
  • Acts through phases of facility planning, design, construction, renovation, facility maintenance, 
  • Coordinates and weighs knowledge about infection, infectious agents, and care environment, permitting the organization to anticipate potential impact."

ILSM - Interim Life Safety Measures

Temporary measures put in place to ensure the safety of building occupants during construction, renovation, or maintenance activities that may impact life safety systems or egress routes. 

JCAHO - Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations

Joint Commission accreditation and certification is recognized nationwide as a symbol of quality that reflects an organization’s commitment to meeting performance standards. Also abbreviated JC, they are the most common hospital inspectors hired by CMS.

LSC - Life Safety Code

A comprehensive list of fire-safety codes and regulations all hospitals and healthcare facilities are required to maintain. The LSC covers a wide range of topics related to fire safety, including building design, construction materials, fire detection, suppression systems, means of egress, and emergency management. Also referred to as Life Safety (LS).


Take the first half of our "List of Facility Manager Acronyms" and share it with anyone you know who can benefit.

Part 2, covering M-Z, is available here

Let us know in the comments if you can think of any others to add.

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Topics: Medical Gas Compliance

Jason Di Marco

Jason Di Marco

President and CEO at Compliant Healthcare Technologies, LLC
Jason Di Marco has been intimately involved with helping hospitals protect and improve their medical piped gas systems from CHT's beginnings. He is certified by ASSE, NITC, and NFPA as an inspector and installer and has worked with major institutions from construction to risk assessment planning.