5 Steps to Restore Your Medical Vacuum System [Infographic]

Posted by Jason Di Marco on September 02, 2023
Jason Di Marco


Every day, patients unknowingly depend on medical vacuum systems for their care. This includes intensive care units, operating rooms, delivery rooms, and patient wards. Over time, it's not uncommon for vacuum systems to begin to degrade, which causes surgeons and nurses to express concerns about the low suction coming from their vacuum systems.

Low suction is a major patient safety concern because it takes longer to perform medical procedures, leaving the patient at increased risk of infection due to more open time in the operating room.

Not to mention, this extra time in the OR can add up and cost hospitals thousands of dollars each day.

In the infographic below, we've outlined 5 steps you can take to restore your hospital's medical vacuum system with our patented Vac Wash service.


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5 Step To Restore Your Medical Vacuum with Vac Wash

Why do you need Vac Wash?

The average hospital operating room costs $72.00 per minute to operate.

When surgeons experience problems with their vacuum system, it's because of low suction, which increases operation room time.

What Causes Low Suction?

  • Overfilled collection canisters
  • Plugging directly into a vacuum inlet

This results in...

The vacuum system pipes get clogged, and the system begins to degrade.

Temporary Solutions That DON'T Work

Often, hospitals try to offset problems with clogged vacuum systems with portable medical suction machines. However, there are many issues with medical suction machines that can cost you time and money while impacting the quality of patient care at your healthcare facility.

Problems With Portable Vacuum Systems

  1. It's loud.
  2. It's expensive.
  3. It's not energy efficient.

Some hospitals try to fix the low suction problem by pouring medical enzyme solution into the vacuum system.

Problems With Using Enzyme Solution

  1. It's not compliant with NFPA & ASSE standards.
  2. It can short out the main vacuum pump.

How The Vac Wash System Works

Step 1: We test your system and document the results.

Step 2: The affected area is isolated.

Step 3: Our patented Clog Hog system cleans, restores, and repairs your system.

Step 4: Biohazard debris is collected and properly disposed of.

Step 5: Your system is retested and documented to ensure that it is operating at peak performance.

The Results of a Restored Medical Vacuum System

You can save 10-20 minutes per procedure. 

Less time per procedure can save you between $720.00 and $1440.00.

Enabling you to do at least one more procedure every day!

Want to learn more about how CHT can help restore your medical vacuum system? Click here to talk to a medical gas and vacuum specialist today!

Click Here to Download Our Free Regulatory Immunity eBook

Topics: Medical Gas Compliance, Medical Vac Wash

Jason Di Marco

Jason Di Marco

President and CEO at Compliant Healthcare Technologies, LLC
Jason Di Marco has been intimately involved with helping hospitals protect and improve their medical piped gas systems from CHT's beginnings. He is certified by ASSE, NITC, and NFPA as an inspector and installer and has worked with major institutions from construction to risk assessment planning.