Clogged vacuum pipes reduce your surgical staff's productivity and can put your patients at risk.
Often, surgeons try to offset problems with clogged vacuum systems with portable medical suction machines. However, there are many issues with medical suction machines that can cost you time and money while impacting the quality of patient care at your healthcare facility.
In today's ever-changing healthcare environment, hospital spending is always closely guarded. Making the right decision when allocating funds when making repairs or purchasing new medical equipment is imperative. Fortunately, CHT can help you completely repair and restore your clogged vacuum pipes for less than the cost of one portable suction machine.
Here are 6 problems with trying to offset your clogged medical vacuum system with portable medical suction machines.
6 Medical Suction Machine Problems to Avoid
1. Expensive to Purchase
Some hospitals try to offset low suction problems with portable vacuum systems. These portal vacuum systems are expensive to purchase. Paying too much for a portable system upfront is only one part of the problem. The ongoing maintenance fees and service needs can also escalate over time.
2. High Energy Usage
Portable vacuum systems can place extra demands on your healthcare facility. They are far from energy-efficient, cost-saving pieces of equipment for your healthcare facility.
3. Bulky Machine
The space constraint of your operating room is also a factor to consider when dealing with portable medical suction machines. Your equipment can take up too much space and clutter your operating rooms.
4. Noisy
Any medical suction device is going to make some noise when the vacuum kicks on. If your equipment is making it impossible to communicate with your team or if there are frequent, unexpected alarms and noises coming from the machines, your staff will not use the system.
5. Low Efficiency
Optimum vacuum flow is a necessity in the OR. Machines that do not provide enough suction or that do not work consistently will slow down regular procedures. In addition, loss of suction and inability to remove fluids and gases in a timely manner present risks to your patient. Suction from the house system keeps OR working areas clear and visible and makes the surgeon’s job easier.
6. Dangerous to Operate
Some hospitals try to fix the low suction problem by pouring medical enzyme solution into the vacuum system. It is a dangerous scenario that can cause "the biohazard to get sucked back to the main system reserve tank, which is an infectious control issue and could result in shorting out a vacuum pump."
Patient care is our ultimate priority. Well-informed decisions can be made before entering the operating room. Equipment running at full capacity will boost OR productivity and increase procedures, resulting in more revenue and less chance of cross-infection for your patients due to clogged vacuum piping.
If staff members struggle to get the suction they need from their clogged medical vacuum system, it may be time to consult a specialist.
Click here to talk to a medical gas specialist and optimize your vacuum system today!
photo credit: Medical